Getting started

Welcome to The Basetrip's API documentation. Here you will find all the info you need to know to get started using our API, including endpoints & sample responses.

Getting the API key

To get the API key you need to schedule a call with us in order to get the register link and go through the checkout process. After your payment is successful you will receive an API key which you can then immediately use with The Basetrip API.

Making requests

There are 3 (three) main data categories - countries, cities & phrases. For countries & cities we provide a list and detail view using the endpoints visible on the left-hand side. Phrases are a separate endpoint as they are using language, instead of destination identifiers.

We provide both sample requests and responses for all endpoints, alongside of all the returned objects.

Base URL is

When you receive your API key, use it as x-api-key header on every request.

The only supported type is application/json content type.

i18n (internationalization)

The Basetrip currently supports 5 languages: English (en), French (fr), Spanish (sp), German (de) and Croatian (hr) with soon available Italian (it) and Russian (ru). Language is chosen by sending alpha-2 code of the requested language within the Accept-Language header.

If no Accept-Language is set or you request language we don't support, en (English) is returned by default. Server will always respond with Content-Language header which will always be one of the supported languages.

i18n is supported on Startup and Business plans (which contain textual data).


If you need help feel free to send us a message via email.